Centre for Optical and Electromagnetic Research

Centre for Optical and Electromagnetic Research (COER) has about 100 active researchers (including professors, young faculty members, post-doc:s and PhD students). Aiming to be a world-class research center, COER is very active in international collaboration and has established joint research center/lab with the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and Chinese University of Hong Kong. 

The main research areas of the center can be described by the following 3-colored diagram:

1.Sub-wavelength Photonics: including matematerials, planar lightwave circuit, and biophotonics.

2.Fiber-based Lightwave Technologies: including fiber optical communication, fiber lasers & signal processing, microwave photonics, fiber gratings and optical sensors.

3.Electromagnetic Waves and Applications.


COER building
Clean room facilities
Fabrication of periodic structures with lasers
High-speed optical communication experiment

Director: Sailing He, Tel.: 0571-88206525. 

E-mail: sailing@zju.edu.cn  

Website: coer.zju.edu.cn