《Quantum Technology》开课通知


德国马堡大学Arash Rahimi-Iman教授开了门Quantum Technology的网上课程(,并对浙大光电学院的研究生和高年级本科生开放。全程参与该课程的网上教学及考核环节(一个口头报告和一份书面报告)的研究生,可以替代研究生课程《光量子信息技术基础》课程并获得相应的学分。Rahimi-Iman教授之前给光电学院本科生开设过半导体量子器件课程,讲解深入浅出,很受学生欢迎。本课程为英语教学,将与在马堡大学的研究生同时在网上上课,欢迎研究生和高年级本科生前来选课或旁听! 


This course will introduce to the fundamentals of quantum technology and wrap-up tools, devices and applications which rely on the quantum nature of our world. Beginning with particle-wave dualism, quantization and effects in nanoscale systems, a brief summary of the concepts of quantum mechanics is given. Afterwards, quantum systems with tailored densities-of-states and band structures will be discussed. In this context, light is shed particularly on (semiconductor micro- as well as nano-) lasers, quantum optics and electronics. Moreover, light-matter interaction as well as optical and electronical properties of nano-fabricated systems are illuminated and an overview on novel quantum devices and applications is given. 

上课时间:周三晚上7:00-9:00,周五下午3:00-5:00 (北京时间)

课程时间:2020.11.04 – 2021.02.26 
