报告人:Prof. P. Kazansky, SouthamptonUniversity
Prof. Y. Shimotsuma, Kyoto University
Prof.J. Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
报告题目1:Discovering newproperties and applications of ultrafast laser writing in transparent materials
Prof.P. Kazansky 简介:
![]() | Peter G. Kazansky studied physics in Moscow State University and received Ph.D from the General Physics Institute in 1985. From 1989 to 1993 he led a group in the GPI, which unraveled the mystery of light-induced frequency doubling in glass. In 1992 he joined the ORC at the University of Southampton where since 2001 he is a professor pursuing his interests in new optical materials and phenomena. More recently he pioneered the field of ultrafast laser nanostructuring in glass leading to invention of “5D memory crystal,” which holds a Guinness world record for the most durable data storage medium. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America. |
报告题目2:Femtosecond laserdirect writing of high-performance structures and their applications
Prof.Yasuhiko Shimotsuma简介:
![]() | 现任日本京都大学产学研中心准教授。在Phys. Rev. Lett., Chem. Mat.等发表了多篇有影响的论文。 |
报告题目3:FS lasermicroprocessing using SLM
Prof. J.Zhang简介:
华中科技大学武汉光电国家研究中心张静宇研究员研究团队目前致力于多维度光存储技术的研究。张静宇自2011年开始在英国南安普顿光电子中心研究基于熔融石英纳米光栅结构的大容量、长寿命多维光存储技术,其结果以第一或通讯作者的身份发表在PhysicalReview Letters等国际重要期刊和会议上,被中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士投票评选为“2016年世界十大科技进展”之一,还被吉尼斯列为“世界保存时间最长的存储技术”。该技术有望永久解决人类数据存储寿命短、容量低、成本高的问题。