

Title1: R&D in Hamamatsu Photonics andoptical wavefront control device

Abstract: Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. islocated in Hamamatsu city, almost center between Tokyo and Osaka in Japan, andis manufacturer of optical sensors (represented by photomultiplier tubes whosemarket share in the world is over 90%)), light sources, and other opticaldevices and their applied instruments for scientific, industrial and medicaluse. In this presentation, we will introduce history, products, and recentR&D in Hamamatsu, and show some hot topics including an optical wavefrontcontrolling device (spatial light modulator : SLM) and its applications.

汇报人:Haruyoshi Toyoda. General manager, Central Research Laboratory,Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.

时间:1024日, 上午09:30-10:10

Title2: Research on optical semiconductordevices based on nano structure in Hamamatsu Photonics

Abstract: Optical devices used nano photonics techniques, such as plasmons,metamaterial and photonic crystal, has been developed in our research group. Wehave already made photonic crystal lasers practical among these devices.Progress of research on photonic crystal lasers will be described in thepresentation.

汇报人:Akiyoshi Watanabe. Deputy Manager/The 2nd Research Group, CentralResearch Laboratory, Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.

时间:1024日, 上午10:10-10:50

Title3: Development of time-domainnear-infrared spectroscopy system for medical application

Abstract: We have been developing a time-resolved diffuse optical imaging (DOI)system involving multi-channel time-resolved spectroscopy. It is highlyanticipated that DOI will make it possible to capture images of breast tumorsand brain activity in two or three dimensions by means of near-infrared light.The use of DOI especially for breast cancer diagnosis, so-called opticalmammography, is not expected to provide precise anatomical information;however, it could provide evidence of angiogenesis, metabolic activity andoxygen consumption in the tumor.

汇报人:Yukio Ueda. Manager, The 7th Research Group Central ResearchLaboratory, Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.

时间:1024日, 上午10:50-11:30

