关于英国剑桥大学Tawfique Hasan博士学术报告的通知


报告人:Tawfique Hasan,Cambridge Graphene Centre, Cambridge
报告题目:Inkjet-printing of functional graphene, transitional metal dichalcogenide and black phosphorus inks ,
Brief Bio:
Dr Tawfique Hasan is a University Lecturer in Electronic Materials and Devices at the Cambridge Graphene Centre, Cambridge University Engineering Department. He is also the Deputy Director for Teaching and Training of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology. He gained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cambridge in 2009. During his PhD, he worked on carbon nanotube solutions for ultrafast optical pulse generation.
Dr Hasan has held several research positions in the University since his PhD, including a prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship to work on graphene based flexible and printable devices.
Hasan’s current research focuses on formulation of functional 1- and 2-dimensional nanomaterial inks for a wide range of printable and flexible applications including ultrafast lasers, printable and flexible (opto)electronic, sensing and energy devices such as dye sensitized solar cells, supercapacitors and batteries. Hasan has >70 research articles with ~9000 citations and an h-index of 32.
Dr Hasan is a Director of Studies in Engineering and a Title A Fellow in Churchill College, Cambridge.