

Title: Silicon on-chip laser sources: from fundamental research to real-world applications
Abstract: The silicon photonics platform has rapidly gained maturity over the last few years. High-performance passive filters such as high-Q ring resonators and well-optimized detectors and modulators were demonstrated. Integrating lasers directly on silicon, however, remains as a fundamental challenge for silicon photonics. In this talk, a recent breakthrough of integrating high quality III-V semiconductor materials directly on silicon is introduced as a viable path to tackle this obstacle. On the other hand, being anticipated as a new photonics platform, more and more system level demonstrations based on silicon photonics for various applications can be found in literature. As an example, this talk introduces an on-going work on silicon integrated mode-locked lasers that could enable various applications, such as microwave photonics, nonlinear photonics, biophotonics, etc.
Biography: Zhechao Wang received the bachelor degree in Optical Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics from Zhejiang University, China and Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden in 2005 and 2010, respectively. In 2011-2015, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Ghent University. He is currently a researcher of IMEC, Belgium. He has published over 30 refereed papers in international journals, including Nature Photonics, Nano Letters, Optics Letters etc. His research interests include silicon and III-V photonic integrated devices, micro and nano cavities, mode-locked lasers, nanowire lasers, and epitaxial growth of semiconductor materials on silicon.