报告题目:Making the most of solid state lighting: What research is needed? 报告人 : Peter Boyce教授 报告时间:2015.10.30(星期五)10:00 – 11:00 a.m. 地点:玉泉校区教三301 | ![]() |
In this presentation I will examine what application research is needed to promote the use of solid state lighting. The required research takes three forms. The first is essentially short term and negative in that it seeks to eliminate aspects of solid state lighting that can cause visual discomfort, specifically glare and flicker. The second is medium term and positive in that it seeks to identify what lighting effects solid state lighting can create that are likely to be valued by people, specifically variable spectra, variable light distributions and individual control. The third is long term and of unknown polarity in that it seeks to establish the impact of light exposure on human health, mood and behaviour. Each of these forms will be addressed by posing a number of salient questions that need to be answered, the first step to good research being to ask a good question.
Peter Boyce is Professor Emeritus at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, USA. He has spent most of his career working in the field of lighting. From1966-1990 he was a Research Officer at the Electricity Council Research Centre in England. There, he conducted research on visual fatigue, the influence of age on visual performance, visual problems associated with viewing computer screens, hue discrimination, safe lighting for emergency conditions, and security lighting. From 1990–2004 he was Head of Human Factors at the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. There, he conducted research on visual performance, visual comfort, circadian effects, emergency lighting, perceptions of safety, and lighting for driving and directed lighting evaluations and product testing. Since 2008 he has been the Technical Editor of the journal “Lighting Research and Technology”. He is a Fellow of both the Society of Light and Lighting and of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America and has received awards from both bodies for his work. He is a recognized authority on the interaction of people and lighting, being the author of the classic text “Human Factors in Lighting”, as well as numerous book chapters, papers and articles.