


doi: 10.1126/science.1261243
图一 纳米光子技术及应用 (A)高功率光子晶体激光器 (B)无(左)和有(右)由从嵌入式Ag纳米颗粒中散射光增强辐射的LED (C)太阳能电池中的黑色硅晶圆无(左)和有(右)用于增强光耦合及限制的电介质光学超颖表面 (D)由随机分布的化学生长单晶Ag纳米线制成的透明传导纳米线网 (E)带有等离子体共振光聚焦锥的热辅助记录磁头原理图 (F)由带有用于波长多路复用的集成等离子体纳米孔阵列的等离子体CCD芯片拍摄的图像
图二 纳米光子技术未来的挑战及研究领域 (A)混合纳米光子:光与其他自由度的耦合,如机械运动 (B) Plasmoelectric效应利用金属纳米结构将太阳光转化成电力 (C)非交互式光学集成电路使得光学计算逻辑函数成为可能 (D)电调谐光学超颖表面作为光通信网络波分复用器,且可进行模拟运算操作 (E)电调谐二维石墨烯光电子集成电路集合了光学和电学尺度
doi: 10.1038/nature14341
图三 利用EUV瞬态光栅的FWM实验-基于FEL的FWM实验原理图
We demonstrate, to our knowledge, the first on-chip heterodyne interferometer fabricated on a 300-mm CMOS compatible process that exhibits root-mean-square (RMS) position noise on the order of 2 nm. Measuring 1 mm by 6 mm, the interferometer is also, to our knowledge, the smallest heterodyne interferometer demonstrated to date and will surely impact numerous interferometric and metrology applications, including displacement measurement, laser Doppler velocimetry and vibrometry, Fourier transform spectroscopy, imaging, and light detection and ranging (LIDAR). Here we present preliminary results that demonstrate the displacement mode.
Illumination design for extended sources is very important for practical applications. The existing direct methods that are all developed for extended Lambertian sources are not applicable to extended non-Lambertian sources whose luminance is a function of position and direction. What we present in this Letter is to our knowledge the first direct method for extended non-Lambertian sources. In this method, the edge rays and the interior rays are both used, and the output intensity at a given direction is calculated to be the integral of the luminance function of all the outgoing rays at this direction. No cumbersome iterative illuminance compensation is needed. Two examples are presented to demonstrate the elegance of this method in prescribed intensity design for extended non-Lambertian sources in two-dimensional geometry.
doi: 10.1364/OL.40.003009
We present a practical spatial-domain interferometer for characterizing the electronic density gradient of laser-induced plasma mirrors with sub-30-femtosecond temporal resolution. Time-resolved spatial imaging of an intensity-shaped pulse reflecting off an expanding plasma mirror induced by a time-delayed pre-pulse allows us to measure characteristic plasma gradients of 10–100 nm with an expansion velocity of 10.8 nm/ps. Spatial-domain interferometry (SDI) can be generalized to the ultrafast imaging of nm to μm size laser-induced phenomena at surfaces.
doi: 10.1364/OE.23.016933
In optical tomography, there exist certain spatial frequency components that cannot be measured due to the limited projection angles imposed by the numerical aperture of objective lenses. This limitation, often called as the missing cone problem, causes the under-estimation of refractive index (RI) values in tomograms and results in severe elongations of RI distributions along the optical axis. To address this missing cone problem, several iterative reconstruction algorithms have been introduced exploiting prior knowledge such as positivity in RI differences or edges of samples. In this paper, various existing iterative reconstruction algorithms are systematically compared for mitigating the missing cone problem in optical diffraction tomography. In particular, three representative regularization schemes, edge preserving, total variation regularization, and the Gerchberg-Papoulis algorithm, were numerically and experimentally evaluated using spherical beads as well as real biological samples; human red blood cells and hepatocyte cells. Our work will provide important guidelines for choosing the appropriate regularization in ODT.