

一、 本期重点:
Doi:10.1364/ PRJ.3.000015
图1 (a)两种类型的多模干涉反射镜结构及(b) 两种注入锁定激光器的结构
图2 两种使用多模干涉反射镜的锁模激光器结构,饱和吸收区工作在不同的位置
图3 实验装置图
doi: 10.1364/OPTICA.2.000076
published: 2014.1.21 
1 基于受激布里渊散射的集成微波光子滤波器及其原理图
二、 简讯:
published: 2014.5.27  
We propose, for the first time to our knowledge, a softwaredefined reconfigurable microwave photonics signal processor architecture that can be integrated on a chip and is capable of performing all the main functionalities by suitable programming of its control signals. The basic
configuration is presented and a thorough end-to-end design model derived that accounts for the performance of the overall processor taking into consideration the impact and interdependencies of both its photonic and RF parts. We demonstrate the model versatility by applying it to several relevant application examples.
doi: 10.1364/OPTICA.2.000366
published : 2015.4.9
The integration of ambient air plasmas as source and sensor in terahertz time-domain technique s allows spectral measurements covering the elusive terahertz gap (0.1– 10 THz), further increasing the impact of those scientific tools in the study of the four states of matter. In this article we describe the experimental study of the terahertz emission from a laser induced plasma of submillimeter size. The main direction of emission is almost orthogonal to the laser propagation direction, unlike that of elongated plasmas. We show that laser pulse energies lower than 1 μ J are sufficient to generate measurable terahertz pulses from ambient air. This significant decrease in the required laser energy will make plasma-based terahertz technique s more accessible to the scientific community.
doi: 10.1364/OE.23.013172
published : 2014.5.11
We report on a packaged prototype of a WDM photonic transceiver. It is an all-solid state hybrid assembly based on 130nm SOI photonic circuitry integrated with a 40nm CMOS VLSI driver. Our prototype supports eight tunable WDM channels operating at 10Gb/s, each capable of both transmitting and receiving data on the same chip. We discuss two options to close the link using the optical fiber or a waveguide bridge chip. We provide integration details and supporting link measurement data to describe packaged photonic module and its power efficient functionality with its on-chip power per channel averaging 1.3pJ/bit, excluding off-chip laser electrical power.
doi: 10.1364/OPTICA.2.000088

Entanglement is a fundamental resource in quantum information processing. Several studies have explored the integration of sources of entangled states on a silicon chip, but the devices demonstrated so far require millimeter lengths and pump powers of the order of hundreds of milliwatts to produce an appreciable photon flux, hindering their scalability and dense integration. Micro-ring resonators have been shown to be efficient sources of photon pairs, but entangled state emission has never been proven in these devices. Here we report the first demonstration, to the best of our knowledge, of a micro-ring resonator capable of emitting time-energy entangled photons. We use a Franson experiment to show a violation of Bell’s inequality by more than seven standard deviations with an internal pair generation exceeding 107 Hz. The source is integrated on a silicon chip, operates at milliwatt and submilliwatt pump power, emits in the telecom band, and outputs into a photonic waveguide. These are all essential features of an entangled state emitter for a quantum photonic network. 
