Using Novel Metal Oxides and Multiple Plasmonic Nanostructures for High Performance Organic Optoelectronics
Wallace C.H. Choy
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, E-mail: chchoy@eee.hku.hk
Several approaches to enhance the light absorption and carrier extraction of organic optoelectronic devices will be investigated. For the light management, a theoretical and experimental study organic solar cells with multiple metallic nanostructures is presented in this talk. From theoretical study, the physics of the performance enhancement of the organic solar cell is explained by multiphysics model of plasmonic organic solar cells. Meanwhile, we have also experimental investigated the plasmonic-optical and plasmonic-electrical effects with various metallic nanostructures such as metallic nanoparticles and metallic nanogratings into different regions of the solar cells. For the plasmonic-optical effects, we demonstrated the enhancement of light absorption in active layer and thus the improvement of photogenerated current. Regarding the electrical effects due to the incorporation of metal nanostructures, we realize the hot carrier effects and charge storage effects separately and achieve high performance organic optoelectronic devices. [1-4]
Besides enhancing light absorption for carrier generation, carrier extraction is also play critical role in the performance of organic optoelectronic devices. Bearing the compatibility with large-area, low-cost, high-throughput production and all-solution technology, we develop various methods to synthesize low-temperature solution-processed transition metal oxides (TMOs) for hole transport layer [5-7] and electron transport layer [8-10] of organic optoelectronic devices. With low temperature treatment or even at room temperature, the TMO films with small amount oxygen vacancies exhibit high film quality and desirable electrical properties for efficient carrier transport layer. The incorporation of metal nanomaterials can further enhance carrier extraction properties of the carrier transport layers. [11]
Recently, we experimentally and theoretically break the intrinsic space-charge limit (SCL) of organic semiconductors by a novel plasmonic-electrical concept [12]. Our results show that the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cells can be enhanced by over 30% and the value of power conversion efficiency can reach about 9.2% depending on the metallic nanostructures, device structures, and the polymer materials. Details of the improvement will be discussed [1-3].
1) W. C. H. Choy, W. K. Chan, Y. Yuan, Adv. Mat., 26, 5368, 2014.
2) W.C.H. Choy, W.E.I. Sha, X. Li, D.Zhang, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, invited, 146, 25, 2014.
3) W.C.H. Choy, Chem. Comm., invited, 50, 11984, 2014.
4) W.E.I. Sha, H.L. Zhu, L. Chen, W.C. Chew, W.C.H. Choy, Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep08525
5) F. Jiang, W.C.H. Choy, X.C. Li, D. Zhang, J. Cheng, "Post-Treatment-Free Solution Processed Non-Stoichiometric NiOx Nanoparticles for Efficient Hole Transport Layers of Organic Optoelectronic Devices", Adv. Mat., in press.
6) X.C. Li, F.X. Xie, S.Q. Zhang, J.H. Hou, W.C.H. Choy, (Nature Publishing Group) Light: Science & Applications, doi: 10.1038/lsa.2015.46; X.C.Li, F.X.Xie, S.Q.Zhang, J.H.Hou, W.C.H. Choy, Adv. Function. Mat., DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201401969.
7) F. Xie, W.C.H. Choy, C. Wang, X. Li, S. Zhang, J. Hou, Adv. Mat., 25, 2051, 2013.
8) H.L. Zhu, W.C.H. Choy, W.E.I. Sha, X. Ren, Adv. Opt. Mat., 2, 1082, 2014.
9) F.X. Xie, S.J. Cherng, S. Lu, Y.H. Chang, W.E.I. Sha, S.P. Feng, C.M. Chen, W.C.H. Choy, ACS Appl. Mat. & Interfaces, 6, 5367, 2014.
10) D. Zhang, W.C.H. Choy, F.X. Xie, X. Li, Org. Electron, 13, 2042, 2012.
11) X.C. Li, W.C.H. Choy, F. Xie, S. Zhang, J. Hou, J. Mater. Chem. A, 1, 6614, 2013.
12) W.E.I. Sha, X. Li, W.C.H. Choy, Scientific Reports, 4, 6236, 2014.

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