一、 本期重点:
1.光学相干光声显微镜实现在体多模式的视网膜成像(Optical coherence photoacoustic microscopy for in vivo multimodal retinal imaging)【OPTICS LETTERS】
2.基于高速无标签功能性光声显微镜的运转中的鼠脑成像 (High-speed label-free functional photoacoustic microscopy of mouse brain in action)【Nature Methods】
图3:针对鼠脑成像的快速功能性光声显微镜。(a) 系统原理图 (b) 系统扫描方案。系统的三维成像,通过在X轴方向上的快速微机电镜扫描以及y方向上较慢的电机扫描实现 (c) 光声的激发和探测序列。由于不同的氧饱和度,皮秒脉冲打到氧和血红蛋白上时得到的光声的振幅信息会略小于下一个脉冲;而当皮秒脉冲打到脱氧血红蛋白上时,影响就会微不足道 (d) 典型的xy方向投影的通过完整头盖骨得到的脑部血管成像 (e) 典型的加强型xz方向投影的脑血管成像 (f) 在同一只鼠脑中得到的血红蛋白氧饱和光声图
图4:通过对老鼠下肢电刺激得到的大脑反应光声图。左下肢刺激(LHS)和右下肢刺激 (RHS)图。
We demonstrate a prototype system of polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) designed for clinical studies of the anterior eye segment imaging. The system can measure Jones matrices of the sample with depth-multiplexing of two orthogonal incident polarizations and polarization-sensitive detection. An optical clock is generated using a quadrature modulator and a logical circuit to double the clock frequency. Systematic artifacts in measured Jones matrices are theoretically analyzed and numerically compensated using signals at the surface of the sample. Local retardation images of filtering blebs after trabeculectomy show improved visualization of subconjunctival tissue, sclera, and scar tissue of the bleb wall in the anterior eye segment.
DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2014.322
Non-invasively focusing light into strongly scattering media, such as biological tissue, is highly desirable but challenging. Recently, ultrasonically guided wavefront-shaping technologies have been developed to address this limitation. So far, the focusing resolution of most implementations has been limited by acoustic diffraction. Here, we introduce nonlinear photoacoustically guided wavefront shaping (PAWS), which achieves optical diffraction-limited focusing in scattering media. We develop an efficient dual-pulse excitation approach to generate strong nonlinear photoacoustic signals based on the Grueneisen relaxation effect. These nonlinear photoacoustic signals are used as feedback to guide iterative wavefront optimization. As a result, light is effectively focused to a single optical speckle grain on the scale of 5–7 μm, which is ∼10 times smaller than the acoustic focus, with an enhancement factor of ∼6,000 in peak fluence. This technology has the potential to benefit many applications that require a highly confined strong optical focus in tissue.
3.小散射样本中的在体光学断层成像:头部外翻的黑腹果蝇的延时三维成像(In-vivo Optical Tomography of Small Scattering Specimens: time-lapse 3D imaging of the head eversion process in Drosophila melanogaster)
DOI: 10.1038/srep07325
Even though in vivo imaging approaches have witnessed several new and important developments, specimens that exhibit high light scattering properties such as Drosophila melanogaster pupae are still not easily accessible with current optical imaging techniques, obtaining images only from subsurface features. This means that in order to obtain 3D volumetric information these specimens need to be studied either after fixation and a chemical clearing process, through an imaging window - thus perturbing physiological development -, or during early stages of development when the scattering contribution is negligible. In this paper we showcase how Optical Projection Tomography may be used to obtain volumetric images of the head eversion process in vivo in Drosophila melanogaster pupae, both in control and headless mutant specimens. Additionally, we demonstrate the use of Helical Optical Projection Tomography (hOPT) as a tool for high throughput 4D-imaging of several specimens simultaneously.
4.基于前房角OCT系统实现虹膜角膜角的360度圆周成像(Complete 360° circumferential gonioscopic optical coherence tomography imaging of the iridocorneal angle)
Clinically, gonioscopy is used to provide en face views of the ocular angle. The angle has been imaged with optical coherence tomography (OCT) through the corneoscleral limbus but is currently unable to image the angle from within the ocular anterior chamber. We developed a novel gonioscopic OCT system that images the angle circumferentially from inside the eye through a custom, radially symmetric, gonioscopic contact lens. We present, to our knowledge, the first 360° circumferential volumes (two normal subjects, two subjects with pathology) of peripheral iris and iridocorneal angle structures obtained via an internal approach not typically available in the clinic.