

Published: 2014.11.27
Engineers take big step toward using light instead of wires inside computers
图1 波分解复用光栅的电镜图
图2 波分解复用器件的原理图及结构图
Published: 2014.9.9
图1微腔拉曼激光器的测试装置 (A)taper-圆盘耦合系统原理图,输出光包括泵浦光和拉曼光,从三个端口输出,分别监测(C)泵浦光透射谱(D)拉曼光谱(E)实时拉曼光功率。(B)硅体材料的归一化拉曼增益。R+和R-分别代表两束分裂的拉曼腔模式
二、 简讯:
Published: 2014.12.3
Terahertz-frequency optical pulses can resonantly drive selected vibrational modes in solids and deform their crystal structures. In complex oxides, this method has been used to melt electronic order, drive insulator-to-metal transitionsand induce superconductivity. Strikingly, coherent interlayer transport strongly reminiscent of superconductivity can be transiently induced up to room temperature (300 kelvin) in YBa2Cu3O6+x. Here we report the crystal structure of this exotic non-equilibrium state, determined by femtosecond X-ray diffraction and ab initio density functional theory calculations. We find that nonlinear lattice excitation in normal-state YBa2Cu3O6+x at above the transition temperature of 52 kelvin causes a simultaneous increase and decrease in the Cu–O2 intra-bilayer and, respectively, inter-bilayer distances, accompanied by anisotropic changes in the in-plane O–Cu–O bond buckling. Density functional theory calculations indicate that these motions cause drastic changes in the electronic structure. Among these, the enhancement in the http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v516/n7529/images/nature13875-m1.jpgcharacter of the in-plane electronic structure is likely to favour superconductivity.
DOI: 10.1126 /science.1258479
Published: 2014.10.30
Effective manipulation of cavity resonant modes is crucial for emission control in laser physics and applications. Using the concept of parity-time symmetry to exploit the interplay between gain and loss (i.e., light amplification and absorption), we demonstrate a parity-time symmetry–breaking laser with resonant modes that can be controlled at will. In contrast to conventional ring cavity lasers with multiple competing modes, our parity-time microring laser exhibits intrinsic single-mode lasing regardless of the gain spectral bandwidth. Thresholdless parity-time symmetry breaking due to the rotationally symmetric structure leads to stable single-mode operation with the selective whispering-gallery mode order. Exploration of parity-time symmetry in laser physics may open a door to next-generation optoelectronic devices for optical communications and computing.
DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2014.280
Published: 2014.11.17
Quantum-enhanced measurements can provide information about the properties of a physical system with sensitivities beyond what is fundamentally possible with conventional technologies. However, this advantage can be achieved only if quantum measurement technologies are robust against losses and real-world imperfections, and can operate in regimes compatible with existing systems. Here, we demonstrate a quantum receiver for coherent communication, the performance of which not only surpasses the standard quantum limit, but does so for input powers extending to high mean photon numbers. This receiver uses adaptive measurements and photon number resolution to achieve high sensitivity and robustness against imperfections, and ultimately shows the greatest advantage over the standard quantum limit ever achieved by any quantum receiver at power levels compatible with state-of-the-art optical communication systems. Our demonstration shows that quantum measurements can provide real and practical advantages over conventional technologies for optical communications.
DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2014.244
Published: 2014.10.26
The laser is an out-of-equilibrium nonlinear wave system where the interplay of the cavity geometry and nonlinear wave interactions mediated by the gain medium determines the self-organized oscillation frequencies and the associated spatial field patterns. In the steady state, a constant energy flux flows through the laser from the pump to the far field, with the ratio of the total output power to the input power determining the power-efficiency. Although nonlinear wave interactions have been modelled and well understood since the early days of laser theory, their impact on the power-efficiency of a laser system is poorly understood. Here, we show that spatial hole burning interactions generally decrease the power-efficiency. We then demonstrate how spatial hole burning interactions can be controlled by a spatially tailored pump profile, thereby boosting the power-efficiency, in some cases by orders of magnitude.
