题目:Cavity optomechanics: Controlling mechanical motion with light
报告人:Prof. Hailin Wang, University of Oregon
时间: 2014.12.16,下午2:30
Abstract: It is well known that radiation pressure forces of light can be used for the manipulation of mechanical motion in microscopic systems. Notable examples include laser cooling and laser tweezers. In this talk, I will discuss recent experimental advances on the use of radiation pressure force to control mechanical motion in macroscopic systems, with a focus on potential applications in quantum optics and quantum networks. Experimental studies on storing light as a mechanical excitation and on converting coherent optical fields between vastly different optical wavelengths via optomechanical processes will be highlighted.
Hailin Wang received B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Michigan in 1982 and 1990, respectively. From 1991 to 1995, he worked at the University of Michigan and later at the AT&T Bell Laboratories. He joined the University of Oregon in 1995, where he is now a professor of physics. His current research interest includes cavity optomechanics, cavity QED of spins in diamond, and quantum information processing. Dr. Wang is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the Optical Society of America and currently serves as an associate editor for Optica.