Fiber-Optics Interconnects in 1060nm: What, Why and How?
Dr. Valery Tolstikhin, ArtIC Photonics Inc., Ottwa, ON, Canada
时间: 9:30am 周三 11月19日.
地点: 教三326
Fiber-optics interconnects (FOI) are increasingly becoming enablers of the next generation data centers to be featuring “cloud” architecture and all-directions traffic. With a reach on 1km scale, such FOI certainly should be based on a transmission in a single-mode fiber. Beyond that, the requirements are not so certain and reduced to those of high speed at low power consumption and low cost. How are they achieved in FOI, which are merely point-to-point links, does not really matter: all that comes into the fiber, stays within the fiber. FOI being agnostic of its physical layer opens up a broad variety of choices. In this, somewhat provocative, presentation, I shall argue that the key is the choice of operating wavelength. It defines the material system and hence performance, manufacturability and cost of the optical components underlying the FOI. As the title suggests, there are reasons to believe that the wavelength span around 1060nm has some advantages. Through the presentation, I shall discuss those reasons and provide the arguments that FOI in 1060nm indeed would be the best choice, should we have one.

Dr. Tolstikhin received his Ph.D. in Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology and then D. Sc. (higher doctorate) in Semiconductor Physics from the Institute of Radio Engineering & Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 1980 and 1993, respectively. He is an adjunct professor at University of Ottawa and Zhejiang University.