


doi: 10.1038/nature13586
当量子叠加态存在不确定性时,量子相干效应才可能发生,而能够区分叠加态的信息时,就会抑制量子干涉。文章介绍并通过实验验证了一种基于诱导相干的量子成像方法。实验中使用了两个分离的下转换非线性晶体(标号NL1和NL2),每一个晶体都由同样的泵浦激光器照射以产生一对光子。从两个晶体中导出的信号的振幅干涉表示了物体的像。经过待成像物体的光子不可能被探测到,但是可以仅用来自NL1和NL2的不接触待成像物体的光子信号获得图像。文章中提出的实验方法与之前的量子成像技术如interaction-free imaging、 ghost imaging等存在实质性区别,因为这一方法中用来照明物体的光子完全不需要被探测,所以探测波长可以选在探测器无法检测的波段,实验中获得了对探测光子来说为透明或不可见的被测物的像。文中提到的实验可看作量子信息传输的原理性实验,通过不被探测到的光子来提取信息。
图1 量子成像实验原理图
图2 强度成像 a.将b中所示卡片放在D1与D2光路中时,BS的输出,在猫形轮廓外部,NL1中的光子被遮挡无法通过,因此不能形成干涉c.信号输出总和给出了信号的强度轮廓d.两次输出之差提高了干涉对比度
图3 对不透过810nm的物体所成的位相像 a.当被测物是一个刻蚀3mm高的猫形图案的硅板(对810nm不透明)时在BS的输出端对810nm光子进行探测所得图像 b.刻蚀板的三维渲染图
图4 (a)相干照明装置(b)测得的样品明场图像,三种对焦距离、六种不同的相干状态
We report the fabrication and characterization of freestanding grapheme coated ZnO nanowires (GZNs) for optical waveguiding. The GZNs arefabricated using a tape-assist transfer under micromanipulation.Owing to the deep-subwavelength diameter and high index contrast of theZnO nanowire waveguide, light-graphene interaction is significantlyenhanced by the strong surface optical fields, resulting in a linear absorptionas high as 0.11 dB/µm in a 606-nm-diameter GZN at 1550-nm wavelength.Launched by 1550-nm-wavelength femto-second pulses, a 475-nm-diameterGZN with a graphene coating length of merely 24 µm exhibits evidentnonlinear saturable absorption with a peak power threshold down to 1.3 W.In addition, we also demonstrate a transmission modulation for 1550-nm-wavelength signal with a 590-nm-diameter GZN, showing the possibility of using GZN waveguides as nanoscalebulding blocks for nanophotonicdevices.
A simple beam-scanning optical design based on Lissajous trajectory imaging is described for achieving up to kHz frame-rate optical imaging on multiple simultaneous data acquisition channels. In brief, two fast-scan resonant mirrors direct the optical beam on a circuitous trajectory through the field of view, with the trajectory repeat-time given by the least common multiplier of the mirror periods. Dicing the raw time-domain data into sub-trajectories combined with model-based image reconstruction (MBIR) 3D in-painting algorithms allows for effective frame-rates much higher than the repeat time of the Lissajous trajectory. Since sub-trajectory and full-trajectory imaging are simply different methods of analyzing the same data, both high-frame rate images with relatively low resolution and low frame rate images with high resolution are simultaneously acquired. The optical hardware required to perform Lissajous imaging represents only a minor modification to established beam-scanning hardware, combined with additional control and data acquisition electronics. Preliminary studies based on laser transmittance imaging and polarization-dependent second harmonic generation microscopy support the viability of the approach both for detection of subtle changes in large signals and for trace-light detection of transient fluctuations.
We present and demonstrate a technique called RED-SEA TADPOLE for the spatio-temporal characterization of highpeak power femtosecond lasers. It retains the basic principle of an existing method, where a scanning monomodefiber is utilized in an interferometric scheme to measure the spectral amplitude and phase at all points across anultrashort laser beam. We combine this approach with dual spectral-band interferometry, to correct for all phaseerrors occurring in this interferometer, thus allowing for the simultaneous measurement of the beam wavefront andpulse front in a collimated beam of large diameter. The generic phase correction procedure implemented here canalso be extended to other fiber optic device applications sensitive to phase fluctuations.