

一、 本期重点:

图1 (a)基于NPA的带宽可调谐光滤波器结构原理图(b)NPA平板及其等效电路(c)两种不同波长范围下的透射系数与反射系数

2.电驱动亚波长光纳米电路(Electrically driven subwavelength optical nanocircuits)Nature Photonics

Subwavelength slot-waveguide-coupled nano-LED platform.
(a)     集成电驱动光子微纳电路原理图,包括刻蚀槽波导器件,两个微纳分支器,一个定向耦
合器和一个刻蚀槽天线 (b)微纳LED和刻蚀槽波导T型分支器的SEM图(c) 微纳LED SEM图 (d)悬浮刻蚀槽波导SEM图 (e)刻蚀槽波导耦合模式
二、 简讯:
In this Letter, plasmonic sectoral horn nanoantennas working at near-infrared wavelength (1550 nm) have beeninvestigated. We demonstrate that, although there are certain differences between the plasmonic and classical radiofrequency (RF) sectoral horn antennas, the plasmonic horns still possess a number of attractive features, like their RFcounterparts, such as tunable high directivities, simplicity in fabrication, and ease of coupling to waveguides. As aspecific application, we further show how to exploit these findings to optimize an optical wireless nanolink usingthe proposed horn nanoantennas, and obtain a 60-fold increase in the received power compared with the situation ofmatched dipole nanoantennas.
We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that discrete diffraction resonance can be designed, fabricated, and successfully probed in functionalized – guidonic – coupled waveguide arrays. We evidence that double-barrier patterning of the coupling creates wavelengthindependent angular tunnel resonance in the transmitted and the reflected intensity of light beams freely propagating in the plane of the array. Transmission peaks obtained are associated with resonant excitation of the engineered array bound supermodes of the functionalized array, in agreement with accurate and practical numerical modeling based on extended coupled-mode theory. The linear operation of the guidonic resonant tunneling double barrier makes up an original resonator for discrete photonics, suitable for all-optical control of light.

Simultaneous regeneration of four high-speed (160 Gbit/s) wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) and polarization-division multiplexed (PDM) signals in a singlehighly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) is demonstrated. The regeneration operation is based on four-wave mixing in HNLF, where the degraded data signals are applied as the pump. As a result, the noise on both ‘0’ and ‘1’ levels can be suppressed simultaneously in our scheme. The stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) from the continuous wave (CW) is suppressed by cross-phase modulation (XPM) from the data pump, relieving the requirement of external phase modulation of the CW light. Mitigation of the inter-channel nonlinearities is achieved mainly through an inter-channel 0.5 bit slot time delay. Bidirectional propagation is also applied to relieve the inter-channel four-wave mixing. The multi-channel regeneration performance is validated by bit-error rate (BER) measurements. The receiver powers at the BER of 10−9are improved by 1.9 dB, 1.8 dB, 1.6 dB and 1.5 dB for the four data channels, respectively.

On-chip, high-power, erbium-doped distributed feedback lasers are demonstrated in a CMOS-compatible fabrication flow. The laser cavities consist of silicon nitride waveguide and grating features, defined by wafer-scale immersion lithography and an erbium-doped aluminum oxide layer deposited as the final step in the fabrication process. The large mode size lasers demonstrate single-mode continuous wave operation with a maximum output power of 75 mW without any thermal damage. The laser output power does not saturate at high pump intensities and is, therefore, capable of delivering even higher on-chip signals if a stronger pump is utilized. The amplitude noise of the laser is investigated and the laser is shown to be stable and free from self-pulsing when the pump power is sufficiently above threshold. 

