报告题目:Confocal microscopy: past, present and future

报告人:Colin J.R. Sheppard,Senior Scientist at the Italian Institute of Technology, in Genova, Italy
Confocal microscopy has made a dramatic impact on biomedical imaging, in particular, but also in other areas such as industrial inspection. Confocal microscopy can image in 3D, with good resolution, into living biological cells and tissue. I have had the good fortune to be involved with the development of confocal microscopy over the last 40 years. Other techniques have been introduced that overcome some of its limitations, but still it is the preferred choice in many cases. And new developments in confocal microscopy, such as focal modulation microscopy, and image-scanning microscopy, can improve its performance in terms of penetration depth, resolution and signal level.
Colin Sheppard is Senior Scientist at the Italian Institute of Technology, in Genova, Italy. For 9 years he was Head of the Bioengineering Department in the National University of Singapore, and for 14 years Professor of Physics at the University of Sydney. He started researching on confocal microscopy in Oxford University, back in 1974, and launched the first commercial confocal instrument in 1982.
He has been the recipient of several awards, including Fellow International, Japan Society of Applied Physics (2013), Visiting Professor, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (2013), Fellow, Optical Society of America (2012), Carl Zeiss Visiting Professor, Germany (2011-12), Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar, France (2011), Visiting Professor, EPFL, Switzerland (2008), Institute of Physics UK, Optics and Photonics Division Prize (2006), Bonhöffer Medal, Max Planck Society, Germany (2006), Fellow, Institute of Physics (2004), and Humboldt Research Award, Germany (2003).
His research interests include microscopy, including confocal and multiphoton microscopy, phase imaging, image reconstruction, diffraction, scattering, and beam & pulse propagation.
He has published more than 300 SCI papers (two of them are in Nature and one in Nature Photonics) and edited more than 50 books.