

doi: 10.1038/nphoton.2014.13
图二 利用自弯曲点扩散函数使STORM方法观察到的微管图
doi: 10.1038/nphoton.2014.88
图三 不同的相干照明方案中可探测到的频率信息示意图
doi: 10.1364/OE.22.012339
We have developed a technique for imaging dark, i.e. non-radiating, objects by intensity interferometry measurements using a thermal light source in the background. This technique is based on encoding the dark object’s profile into the spatial coherence of such light. We demonstrate the image recovery using an adaptive error-minimizing Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm in case of a completely opaque object, and outline the steps for imaging purely refractive objects.
doi: 10.1364/OE.22.012691
We report on a direct-write system for patterning of arbitrary, high-quality, continuous liquid crystal (LC) alignment patterns. The system uses a focused UV laser and XY scanning stages to expose a photoalignment layer, which then aligns a subsequent LC layer. We intentionally arrange for multiple overlapping exposures of the photoalignment material by a scanned Gaussian beam, often with a plurality of polarizations and intensities, in order to promote continuous and precise LC alignment. This type of exposure protocol has not been well investigated, and sometimes results in unexpected LC responses. Ultimately, this enables us to create continuous alignment patterns with feature sizes smaller than the recording beam. We describe the system design along with a thorough mathematical system description, starting from the direct-write system inputs and ending with the estimated alignment of the LC. We fabricate a number of test patterns to validate our system model, then design and fabricate a number of interesting well-known elements, including a q-plate and polarization grating.
doi: 10.1364/OL.39.002853
We propose a new multi-projection integral imaging scheme using a convex mirror array. In the proposed scheme, to overcome the resolution limitation of the conventional method due to observing the single aperture imaging point (AIP) from each convex mirror, we introduce the multi-projection to obtain multiple AIPs per convex mirror so that the viewer observes the resolution-improved 3D reconstructed images. We validate the theoretical analysis of the proposed scheme and confirm its feasibility through the optical experiments. To our best knowledge, this is the first report to generate multiple AIPs per convex mirror in a projection integral imaging system.
doi: 10.1364/OL.39.002896
We report on the assembly of an off-axis reflective imaging system employing freeform, φ-polynomial optical surfaces. The sensitivity of the system to manufacturing errors is studied for both a passive and active alignment approach. The as-built system maintains diffraction-limited performance in the long-wave infrared.