

 一、      本期重点:

Doi: 10.1038/ncomms4655
Published : 2014.4.10
二、      简讯:
We report complementary metal−oxide−semiconductor (CMOS)-compatible integration of compound semiconductors on Si substrates. InAs and GaAs nanowires areselectively grown in vertical SiO2 nanotube templates fabricatedon Si substrates of varying crystallographic orientations, includingnanocrystalline Si. The nanowires investigated are epitaxiallygrown, single-crystalline, free from threading dislocations, andwith an orientation and dimension directly given by the shape ofthe template. GaAs nanowires exhibit stable photoluminescence atroom temperature, with a higher measured intensity when stillsurrounded by the template. Si−InAsheterojunction nanowiretunnel diodes were fabricated on Si(100) and are electricallycharacterized. The results indicate a high uniformity and scalability in the fabrication process.
The steady increase in control over individual quantum systemssupports the promotion of a quantum technology that could provide functionalities beyond those of any classical device. Two particularly promising applications have been explored during the pastdecade: photon-based quantum communication, which guaranteesunbreakable encryptionbut which still has to be scaled to high ratesover large distances, and quantum computation, which will fundamentally enhance computabilityif it can be scaled to a large number of quantum bits (qubits). It was realized early on that a hybridsystem of light qubits and matterqubitscould solve the scalabilityproblem of each field—that of communication by use of quantumrepeaters, and that of computation by use of an optical interconnectbetween smaller quantum processors. To this end, the developmentof a robust two-qubit gate that allows the linking of distant computational nodes is ‘‘a pressing challenge’’.Herewedemonstratesuchaquantum gate between the spin state of a single trapped atom and thepolarization state of an optical photon contained in a faint laser pulse.The gate mechanism presentedis deterministic and robust, and isexpected to be applicable to almost any matter qubit. It is based onreflection of the photonic qubit from a cavity that provides stronglight–matter coupling. To demonstrate its versatility, we use thequantum gate to create atom–photon, atom–photon–photon andphoton–photon entangled states from separable input states. Weexpect our experiment to enable various applications, including thegeneration of atomicand photoniccluster states and Schro ¨dingercat states, deterministic photonic Bell-state measurements,scalable quantum computationand quantum communication using aredundant quantum parity code.
doi: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2013.341
Thin-film photovoltaics play an important role in the quest forclean renewable energy. Recently, methylammonium leadhalide perovskites were identified as promising absorbers forsolar cells. In the three years since, the performance of perovskite-based solar cells has improved rapidly to reach efficienciesas high as 15%. To date, all high-efficiency perovskite solarcells reported make use of a (mesoscopic) metal oxide, suchas Al2O3,TiO2or ZrO2, which requires a high-temperature sintering process. Here, we show that methylammonium leadiodide perovskite layers, when sandwiched between two thinorganic charge-transporting layers, also lead to solar cells withhigh power-conversion efficiencies (12%). To ensure a highpurity, the perovskite layers were prepared by sublimation in ahigh-vacuum chamber. This simple planar device structure andthe room-temperature deposition processes are suitable formany conducting substrates, including plastic and textiles.
 doi: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2013.238
Finding higher efficiency schemes for electron–hole separation is of paramount importance for realizing more efficient conversion of solar energy in photovoltaic and photocatalytic devices. Plasmonic energy conversion has been proposed as a promising alternative to conventional electron–hole separation in semiconductor devices. This emerging method is based on the generation of hot electrons in plasmonic nanostructures through electromagnetic decay of surface plasmons. Here, the fundamentals of hot-electron generation, injection and regeneration are reviewed, with special attention paid to recent progress towards photovoltaic devices. This new energy-conversion method potentially offers high conversion efficiencies, while keeping fabrication costs low. However, several considerations regarding the materials, architectures and fabrication methods used need to be carefully evaluated to advance this field.