

published : 2014.3.19
图一 以光子学为基础的雷达的体系结构图
图二 以光子学为基础的射频发生器的测试结果。a、射频信号的相位噪声曲线。b、雷达信号的幅度和相位变化图。c、编码和未编码的射频谱比较
doi : 10.1126/science.1248797
published : 2014.3.28
图一:量子等离子隧道结 A、由两个纳米银颗粒通过自组装单分子层桥连的分子隧穿结示意图。B、两个相邻的纳米颗粒的距离由单分子层厚度决定。C、隧穿结的能级结构示意图。
二、 简讯:
published :2014.4.6
Light-sheet microscopy facilitates rapid, high-contrast, volumetric imaging with minimal sample exposure. However, the rapid divergence of a traditional Gaussian light sheet restricts the field of view (FOV) that provides innate subcellular resolution. We show that the Airy beam innately yields high contrast and resolution up to a tenfold larger FOV. In contrast to the Bessel beam, which also provides an increased FOV , the Airy beam's characteristic asymmetric excitation pattern results in all fluorescence contributing positively to the contrast, enabling a step change for light-sheet microscopy.
published :2014.4.6
When excited with rotating linear polarized light, differently oriented fluorescent dyes emit periodic signals peaking at different times. We show that measurement of the average orientation of fluorescent dyes attached to rigid sample structures mapped to regularly defined (50nm)2 image nanoareas can provide subdiffraction resolution (super resolution by polarization demodulation, SPoD). Because the polarization angle range for effective excitation of an oriented molecule is rather broad and unspecific, we narrowed this range by simultaneous irradiation with a second, de-excitation, beam possessing a polarization perpendicular to the excitation beam (excitation polarization angle narrowing, ExPAN). This shortened the periodic emission flashes, allowing better discrimination between molecules or nanoareas. Our method requires neither the generation of nanometric interference structures nor the use of switchable or blinking fluorescent probes. We applied the method to standard wide-field microscopy with camera detection and to two-photon scanning microscopy, imaging the fine structural details of neuronal spines
Broadband light sources play essential roles in diverse fields, such as high-capacity optical communications, optical coherence tomography, optical spectroscopy, and spectrograph calibration. Although a nonclassical state from spontaneous parametric down-conversion may serve as a quantum counterpart, its detection and characterization have been a challenging task. Here we demonstrate the direct detection of photon numbers of an ultrabroadband (110 nm FWHM) squeezed state in the telecom band centred at 1535 nm wavelength, using a superconducting transition-edge sensor. The observed photon-number distributions violate Klyshko's criterion for the nonclassicality. From the observed photon-number distribution, we evaluate the second- and third-order correlation functions, and characterize a multimode structure, which implies that several tens of orthonormal modes of squeezing exist in the single optical pulse. Our results and techniques open up a new possibility to generate and characterize frequency-multiplexed nonclassical light sources for quantum info-communications technology.
doi: 10.1021/nl500658n
published :2014.4.3
Light beams with orbital angular momentum have significant potential to transform many areas of modern photonics from imaging to classical and quantum communication systems. We design and experimentally demonstrate an ultracompact array of nanowaveguides with a circular graded distribution of channel diameters that coverts a conventional laser beam into a vortex with an orbital angular momentum. The proposed nanoscale beam converter is likely to enable a new generation of on-chip or all-fiber structured light applications.
doi: 10.1021/nl404707t
published :2014.4.3
We introduce strongly-coupled optical gap antennas to interface optical radiation with current-carrying electrons at the nanoscale. The transducer relies on the nonlinear opticaland electrical properties of an optical gap antenna operating in the tunneling regime. We discuss the underlying physical mechanisms controlling the conversion and demonstrate that a simple two-wire optical antenna can provide advanced optoelectronic functionalities beyond tailoring the electromagnetic response of a single emitter. Interfacing an electronic command layer with a nanoscale optical device may thus be facilitated by the opticalrectennas discussed here.
doi: 10.1126/science.1248905
Multiparticle entanglement enables quantum simulations, quantum computing and quantum-enhanced metrology. Yet, there are few methods to produce and measure such entanglement while maintaining single-qubit resolution as the number of qubits is scaled up. Using atom chips and fiber-optical cavities, we have developed a method based on non-destructive collective measurement and conditional evolution to create symmetric entangled states and perform their tomography. We demonstrate creation and analysis of entangled states with mean atom numbers up to 41 and experimentally prove multiparticle entanglement. Our method is independent of atom number and should allow generalization to other entangled states and other physical implementations including circuit quantum electrodynamics.
