


图一 机械系统 a纳米膜结构b纳米膜构成的电容器是LC电路的一部分c在纳米膜和射频信号间存在强耦合
图二 耦合度分析
图一 通过传播角度进行光选择的理论分析示意
图二 实验装置和实验结果 a、实验装置图;b、0度角入射时晶体表现为平面镜;c、30度角入射时晶体表现为平面镜;d、55度角(布鲁斯特角)入射时晶体透明;e、70度角入射时晶体表现为平面镜
Plasma channels produced in air through femtosecond laser filamentation  hold great promise for a number of applications, including remote sensing, attosecond physics and spectroscopy, channelling microwaves and lightning protection. In such settings, extended filaments are desirable, yet their longitudinal span is limited by dissipative processes. Although various techniques aiming to prolong this process have been explored, the substantial extension of optical filaments remains a challenge. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that the natural range of a plasma column can be enhanced by at least an order of magnitude when the filament is prudently accompanied by an auxiliary beam. In this arrangement, the secondary low-intensity ‘dressing’ beam propagates linearly and acts as a distributed energy reservoir, continuously refuelling the optical filament. Our approach offers an efficient and viable route towards the generation of extended light strings in air without inducing premature wave collapse or an undesirable beam break-up into multiple filaments.
Si nanowires (NWs) have been widely explored as a platform for photonic and electronic technologies. Here, we report a bottom-up method to break the conventional “wire” symmetry and synthetically encode a high-resolution array of arbitrary shapes, including nanorods, sinusoids, bowties, tapers, nanogaps, and gratings, along the NW growth axis. Rapid modulation of phosphorus doping combined with selective wet-chemical etching enabled morphological features as small as 10 nm to be patterned over wires more than 50 μm in length. This capability fundamentally expands the set of technologies that can be realized with Si NWs, and as proof-of-concept, we demonstrate two distinct applications. First, nanogap-encoded NWs were used as templates for Noble metals, yielding plasmonic structures with tunable resonances for surface-enhanced Raman imaging. Second, core/shell Si/SiO2 nanorods were integrated into electronic devices that exhibit resistive switching, enabling nonvolatile memory storage. Moving beyond these initial examples, we envision this method will become a generic route to encode new functionality in semiconductor NWs.
doi: 10.1364/OL.39.002194r
We experimentally demonstrated a free spectrum range (FSR) tunable comb filter based on a programmable thermo-controlled Mach–Zehnder interferometer. The device is constructed by sandwiching a length of ethanol-filled photonic crystal fiber between single-mode fibers. A digital thermal printer head is used to facilitate the interference as well as to adjust the phase difference by selectively activating the independent heating elements, thus the FSR can be digitally tuned conveniently. The filter shows a feature of periodic equalized passbands with flat-top steep-edge as well as a high extinction ratio over a very wide range of wavelengths from 1.52 to 1.58 μm.
Presbyopia, the age-related reduction in near vision acuity, is one of the leading issues facing the contact lens industry due to an increasingly ageing population and limitations associated with existing designs. A plastic-based liquid crystal contact lens is described which is designed to allow switchable vision correction. The device is characterized by low operating voltages (<5Vrms) and has curvatures suitable for placement upon the cornea. Imaging and Point Spread Function analysis confirm that the lens provides an increase in optical power of + 2.00 ± 0.25 D when activated, ideal for presbyopia correction.