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doi: 10.1038/ncomms4109
published: 2014.01.17
2a)上图:弱光下基频谐振,倍频不谐振;下图;倍频信号在不同基频功率下随基频频率的变化关系(b)倍频信号强度与基频光强度在对数坐标下的关系,斜率2.15+0.1  c)二倍频转化效率随基频光强的关系,约为5*10-5mw-1,大光强下的走离是因为谐振峰的漂移

doi: 10.1126/science.1244303
published: 2013.09.06


Graphene-based photodetectors have attracted strong interest for their exceptional physical properties, which include an ultrafast response across a broad spectrum, a strong electron–electron interaction and photocarrier multiplication. However, the weak optical absorption of grapheme limits its photoresponsivity. To address this, graphene has been integrated into nanocavities, microcavitiesand plasmon resonators, but these approaches restrict photodetection to narrow bands. Hybrid graphene–quantum dot architectures can greatly improve responsivity, but at the cost of response speed. Here, we demonstrate a waveguide-integrated graphenephotodetector that simultaneously exhibits high responsivity, high speed and broad spectral bandwidth. Using a metal-doped graphene junction coupled evanescently to the waveguide, the detector achieves a photoresponsivity exceeding 0.1 A W−1 together with a nearly uniform response between 1450 and 1590 nm. Under zero-bias operation, we demonstrate response rates exceeding 20 GHz and an instrumentation-limited 12 Gbit s−1 optical data link.
Monitoring a mechanical object’s motion, even with the gentle touch of light, fundamentally alters its dynamics. The experimental manifestation of this basic principle of quantum mechanics, its link to the quantum nature of light and the extension of quantum measurement to the macroscopic realm have all received extensive attention over the past half-century. The use of squeezed light, with quantum fluctuations below that of the vacuum field, was proposed nearly three decades ago as a means of reducing the optical read-out noise in precision force measurements. Conversely, it has also been proposed that a continuous measurement of a mirror’s position with light may itself give rise to squeezed light. Such squeezed-light generation has recently been demonstrated in a system of ultracold gas-phase atoms whose centre-of-mass motion is analogous to the motion of a mirror. Here we describe the continuous position measurement of a solid-state, optomechanical system fabricated from a silicon microchip and comprising a micromechanical resonator coupled to a nanophotonic cavity. Laser light sent into the cavity is used to measure the fluctuations in the position of the mechanical resonator at a measurement rate comparable to its resonance frequency and greater than its thermal decoherence rate. Despite the mechanical resonator’s highly excited thermal state (104 phonons), we observe, through homodyne detection, squeezing of the reflected light’s fluctuation spectrum at a level 4.5 ± 0.2 per cent below that of vacuum noise over a bandwidth of a few megahertz around the mechanical resonance frequency of 28 megahertz. With further device improvements, on-chip squeezing at significant levels should be possible, making such integrated microscale devices well suited for precision metrology applications.
doi: 10.1038/NMAT3819
Stimuli-responsive nanomaterials are increasingly important in a variety of applications such asbiosensing, molecular imaging,drug delivery and tissue engineering. For cancer detection, a paramount challenge still exists in the search for methodsthat can illuminate tumours universally regardless of their genotypes and phenotypes. Here we capitalized on the acidic,angiogenictumour microenvironment to achieve the detection of tumour tissues in a wide variety of mouse cancer models.This was accomplished using ultra pH-sensitive fluorescent nanoprobes that have tunable, exponential fluorescence activationon encountering subtle, physiologically relevant pH transitions. These nanoprobes were silent in the circulation, and thenstrongly activated (>300-fold) in response to the neovasculature or to the low extracellular pH in tumours. Thus, we haveestablished non-toxic, fluorescent nanoreporters that can nonlinearly amplify tumourmicroenvironmental signals, permittingthe identification of tumour tissue independently of histological type or driver mutation, and detection of acute treatmentresponses much more rapidly than conventional imaging approaches.
doi: 10.1038/NNANO.2012.51
Existing methods for the optical detection of single moleculesrequire the molecules to absorb light to produce fluorescenceor direct absorption signals. This limits the range of species that can be detected, because most molecules arepurely refractive. Metal nanoparticles or dielectric resonatorscan be used to detect non-absorbing moleculesbecause local changes in the refractive index produce a resonance shift. However, current approaches only detect single molecules when the resonance shift is amplified by a highlypolarizable labelor by a localized precipitation reactionon the surface of a nanoparticle. Without such amplification,single-molecule events can only be identified in a statisticalway. Here, we report the plasmonic detection of singlemolecules in real time without the need for labelling or amplification. Our sensor consists of a single gold nanorod coated withbiotin receptors, and the binding of single proteins is detectedby monitoring the plasmon resonance of the nanorod with a sensitivephotothermal assay. The sensitivity of our deviceis ∼700 times higher than state-of-the-art plasmon sensorsand is intrinsically limited by spectral diffusion of the surface plasmon resonance.
供稿:徐颖鑫  李志勇  林星 王依霈  虞绍良