

 一、 本期重点:

published: 2013.12.04
图1 非球面失调示意图。(a)三维图;(b)y-z平面示意图。
图2 非球面失调误差校正步骤
图4 (a)两未知脉冲的干涉图样;蓝色虚线和红色实线为脉冲的光谱剪切轴,黑色点线表示用光谱相位干涉直接重构光场时的剪切情况(b)小插图为原始脉冲波前,大图为经过10此迭代后重建所得脉冲波前(c)重构波前误差
二、 简讯:
We report on an 800 nm center-wavelength metal/multilayer-dielectric grating (MMDG) with broadband, high diffraction efficiency. The trapezoidal grating ridge consists of an HfO2 layer sandwiched between two SiO2films. Combining the advantages of SiO2andHfO2, the grating ridge reduces the difficulties of grating ridge attainment. For such a configuration, high-performance MMDG can be successfully fabricated using the existing technology. Experimentally we demonstrated a 163 nm bandwidth MMDG with -1st-order diffraction efficiency greater than 90%. The fabricated MMDG achieved high performance as the design with large fabrication tolerances.
This paper describes a method to determine the phase retardation of birefringent optical components by combining spectral interferometry and the Fourier transform method. The retardation of each orthogonal polarization component was resolved by using two rotatable linear polarizers in the interferometer. The phase retardation measured by using suggested method was compared to that measured using the conventional polarimetric method. The results of independent methods were well matched, which confirms the validity of the proposed method.
Actively-controlled second harmonic generation in a silicon nitride ring resonator is proposed and simulated. The ring was designed to resonate at both pump and second harmonic wavelengths and quasi-phase-matched frequency conversion is induced by a periodic static electric field generated by voltage applied to electrodes arranged along the ring. Nonlinear propagation simulations were undertaken and an efficiency of −21.67 dB was calculated for 60 mW of pump power at 1550 nm and for a 30V applied voltage, which compares favorably with demonstrated all-optical second harmonic generation in integrated microresonators. Transient effects were also evaluated. The proposed design can be exploited for the construction of electro-optical devices based on nonlinear effects in CMOS compatible circuits..
Thanks to wavelength flexibility, interferometric filters such as Fabry–Perot interferometers (FPIs) andfield-widened Michelson interferometers (FWMIs) have shown great convenience for spectrally separating the molecule and aerosol scattering components in the high-spectral-resolution lidar (HSRL) returnsignal. In this paper, performance comparisons between the FPI and FWMI as a spectroscopic discrimination filter in HSRL are performed. We first present a theoretical method for spectral transmissionanalysis and quantitative evaluation on the spectral discrimination. Then the process in determiningthe parameters of the FPI and FWMI for the performance comparisons is described. The influences fromthe incident field of view (FOV), the cumulative wavefront error induced by practical imperfections, andthe frequency locking error on the spectral discrimination performance of the two filters are discussed indetail. Quantitative analyses demonstrate that FPI can produce higher transmittance while the remarkable spectral discrimination is one of the most appealing advantages of FWMI. As a result of the field-widened design, the FWMI still performs well even under the illumination with large FOV while the FPIis only qualified for a small incident angle. The cumulative wavefront error attaches a great effect on thespectral discrimination performance of the interferometric filters. We suggest if a cumulative wavefronterror is less than 0.05 waves RMS, it is beneficial to employ the FWMI; otherwise, FPI may be moreproper. Although the FWMI shows much more sensitivity to the frequency locking error, it can outperform the FPI given a locking error less than 0.1 GHz is achieved. In summary, the FWMI is very competent in HSRL applications if these practical engineering and control problems can be solved,theoretically. Some other estimations neglected in this paper can also be carried out through theanalytical method illustrated herein.