1.基于多空间视角的气溶胶3D分布还原(Multi sky-view 3D aerosol distribution recovery) 【OPTICS EXPRESS】

图1 利用地基相机探测立体大气示意图

图2 仿真结果重现:颜色深浅代表气溶胶密度,单位是106/m3 (a)和(b)中单向散射作为输入(c)和(d)中蒙特卡罗图像作为输入
2.基于全息剪切镜头和空间傅里叶变换的白光横向剪切干涉仪(White light lateral shear interferometer with holographic shear lenses and spatial Fourier transform)【OPTICS LETTERS】

图1 基于集成全息的白光横向剪切干涉仪结构示意图,其剪切方向是y轴
The fundamental mechanism underlying photocurrent generation in carbon nanotubes has long been an open question. In photocurrent generation, the temperature of the photoexcited charge carriers determines the transport regime by which the electrons and holes are conducted through the nanotube. Here, we identify two different photocurrent mechanisms for metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotube devices with induced p–n junctions. Our photocurrent measurements as a function of charge carrier doping demonstrate a thermal origin for metallic nanotubes, where photo-excited hot carriers give rise to a current. For semiconducting nanotubes we demonstrate a photovoltaic mechanism, where a built-in electric field results in electron–hole separation. Our results provide an understanding of the photoresponse in carbon nanotubes, which is not only of fundamental interest but also of importance for designing carbon-based, high-efficiency photodetectors and energy-harvesting devices.
Raman spectroscopy uses visible light to acquire vibrational fingerprints of molecules, thus making it a powerful tool for chemical analysis in a wide range of media. However, its potential for optical imaging at high resolution is severely limited by the fact that the Raman effect is weak. Here, we report the discovery of a giant Raman scattering effect from encapsulated and aggregated dye molecules inside single-walled carbon nanotubes. Measurements performed on rod-like dyes such as α-sexithiophene and β-carotene, assembled inside single-walled carbon nanotubes as highly polarizable J-aggregates, indicate a resonant Raman cross-section of (3 ± 2) × 10−21 cm2 sr−1, which is well above the cross-section required for detecting individual aggregates at the highest optical resolution. Free from fluorescence background and photobleaching, this giant Raman effect allows the realization of a library of functionalized nanoprobe labels for Raman imaging with robust detection using multispectral analysis.
Multiwavelength shearing interferometry, a full-field, real-time, and vibration-insensitive method with enhanced accuracy, is proposed. Theoretically, the more wavelengths that are used for shearing interferometers, the higher the precision that can be achieved in the measurement of slopes, curvatures, and the shapes of reflective surfaces. A spherical mirror with specified curvature radius is used to calibrate this method, and then the nonuniform deformation and shape of the TiNi film/Si substrate system are obtained experimentally.
The increasing scale of cryogenic detector arrays for submillimeter and millimeter wavelength astrophysics has led to the need for large aperture, high index of refraction, low loss, cryogenic refracting optics. Silicon with n=3.4, low loss, and high thermal conductivity is a nearly optimal material for these purposes but requires an antireflection (AR) coating with broad bandwidth, low loss, low reflectance, and a matched coefficient of thermal expansion. We present an AR coating for curved silicon optics comprised of subwavelength features cut into the lens surface with a custom three-axis silicon dicing saw. These features constitute a metamaterial that behaves as a simple dielectric coating. We have fabricated silicon lenses as large as 33.4 cm in diameter with micromachined layers optimized for use between 125 and 165 GHz. Our design reduces average reflections to a few tenths of a percent for angles of incidence up to 30° with low cross polarization. We describe the design, tolerance, manufacture, and measurements of these coatings and present measurements of the optical properties of silicon at millimeter wavelengths at cryogenic and room temperatures. This coating and lens fabrication approach is applicable from centimeter to submillimeter wavelengths and can be used to fabricate coatings with greater than octave bandwidth.