

 一、 本期重点:

韩国基础科学研究院的Woo June Choi等人提出了一种适用于可诱发激光损伤的光学材料的吸收型缺陷的快速定位方法。采用光强调制型的泵浦光源加热光学样品的吸收型缺陷,引起缺陷附近折射率场的变化。然后采用探测光束照明缺陷区域,检测体缺陷的分布情况。检测结果表明,这种方式提供了一种更加快速的缺陷定位技术,检测速度每分钟0.03mm2,检测分辨率达到几十纳米量级。
图1 光热反射显微镜系统原理图
图4 光学显微镜和光热反射显微镜对同一样品所包含的纳米级缺陷
图1 激光诱导损伤阈值测试系统原理图
图5 在不同入射角下的缺陷区域正视图和侧视图
二、 简讯:
A dark-field imaging technique taking advantage of the active polymer slab waveguide (APSW) is experimentally investigated. The dye molecules (Rhodamine 6G, Rh6G) are doped in the polymer film for the launching of surface waves on the APSW, such as the surface plasmon polaritons on the Ag–polymer–air interface, evanescent fields at the polymer–air interface by the total internal reflection, or the guided modes. The localized surface waves will not radiate into the far-field space directly. When the specimens are placed on the surface of the APSW, these surface waves will be scattered to the far-field region, which forms the dark-field image of the specimen. Experimental results show that usage of APSW leads to high-contrast dark-field images with the conventional optical microscope system. The polymer film involved in the proposed dark-field microscopy brings about the merits of reduced roughness, good stability, bio-compatibility, and shorter wavelength of the illumination light source.
Laser ignition (LI) has been shown to offer many potential benefits compared to spark ignition (SI) for improving the performance of internal combustion (IC) engines. This paper outlines progress made in recent research on laser ignited IC engines, discusses the potential advantages and control opportunities and considers the challenges faced and prospects for its future implementation. An experimental research effort has been underway at the University of Liverpool (UoL) to extend the stratified speed/load operating region of the gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine
through LI research, for which an overview of some of the approaches, testing and results to date are presented. These indicate how LI can be used to improve control of the engine for: leaner operation, reductions in emissions, lower idle speed and improved combustion stability.
Optical microscopy is sensitive both to arrays of nanoscale features and to their imperfections. Optimizing scattered electromagnetic field intensities from deep sub-wavelength nanometer scale structures represents an important element of optical metrology. Current, well-established optical methods used to identify defects in semiconductor patterning are in jeopardy by upcoming sub-20 nm device dimensions. A novel volumetric analysis for processing focus-resolved images of defects is presented using simulated and experimental examples. This new method allows defects as narrow as (16 ± 2) nm (k = 1) to be revealed using 193 nm light with focus and illumination conditions optimized for three-dimensional data analysis. Quantitative metrics to compare two-dimensional and three-dimensional imaging indicate possible fourfold improvements in sensitivity using these methods.
We implement switching laser mode coherent anti-Stokes Raman-scattering (SLAM-CARS) microscopy to enhance the spatial resolution and contrast in label-free vibrational microscopy. The method, based on the intensity difference between two images obtained with Gaussian and doughnut-shaped modes, does not depend on the specimen and relies on minimal modifications of the typical CARS setup. We demonstrate subdiffraction resolution imaging of myelin sheaths in a mouse brainstem. A lateral resolution of 0.36λp is achieved.