What the future holds for optical OFDM?
We have recently witnessed an upsurge of interests in optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) as an efficient modulation and multiplexing technology. Since the invention of OFDM by Chang in 1966 and many landmark works by others thereafter, OFDM has been triumphant in almost all the major RF communication standards. Nevertheless, its application to optical communications is rather nascent and its potential success in optical domain remains an open question. This talk provides a review of optical OFDM slanted towards the emerging optical fiber networks. The objective of the tutorial is two-fold: (i) to review the OFDM fundamentals from its basic mathematical formation to its salient disadvantages and advantages, and (ii) to reveal the unique characteristics of the fiber optical channel and identify the challenges and opportunities in the application of optical OFDM.
William Shieh received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of Southern California, Los Angles, in 1994 and 1996, respectively. Since 2004, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. His current research interests include OFDM techniques in both wireless and optical communications, coherent optical communication systems, and optical packet switching. He has published more than 110 journal and conference papers, and submitted 14 U.S. patents (nine issued) covering areas of polarization controller, wavelength stabilization in WDM systems, and Raman amplifier-based systems and subsystems. He has been awarded Australian Future Fellowship, 2011-2014. He has recently been elected to a fellow of Optical Society of America (OSA).