Outline and Introduction of Multi-physics hybrid and parallel computation method


Course No:3013108
TitleMulti-physics hybrid and parallel computation
Class Hours/Week:  3-1                  Credit: 2                  Category: Specialty
students have already finish similar classes.
Course introduction:
This course will be given for both M.S. and Ph.D. students who will do researches in Hybrid Multi physics, parallel computational, and modeling electromagnetic. Its content is given as follows.  
1.Hybrid Multi physics and parallel computational methodology.
2.Micro and nano level devices and Hybrid Multi physics parallel and computational methodology in circuit.
3.Realization of Hybrid Multi physics modeling.
4.Parallel modeling method in Hybrid Multi physics.
Test and Grading Criteria
Open Book Exam or Report
Suggested textbooks or references:
(1)IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (2000-2009);
(2)IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (2000-2009);
(3)IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging(2000-2009).