A Delegation from Fuzhou Visited Zhejiang University


On the afternoon of September 20, Lin Fei,member of the Standing Committee of Fuzhou Municipal Committee and executivedeputy mayor of the municipal government, and his party visited the university.Ye Min, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University, met thedelegation. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on promoting thetop-level design of strategic cooperation and comprehensively deepeningcooperation in production, learning and research.

Ye Min introduced the development strategyof the university and the development situation of university-enterprise cooperationand so on. Zhejiang University upholds the Zhejiang spirit of General SecretaryXi Jinping's "doing it in the real place, walking in the forefront, andbravely standing in the forefront", and strives to provide ZhejiangUniversity with Zhejiang University Program to build a world-class universitywith Chinese characteristics. Zhejiang University attaches great importance to university-placecooperation. He introduced the brief situation of Zhijiang Laboratory, XiaoshanScience and Technology Innovation Center and Xiong'an Development Center, aswell as the layout of Zhejiang University Industrial Technology ResearchInstitute in the entire country. Fuzhou has a good foundation of optoelectronicindustry. The optical engineering discipline of College of Optical Science andEngineering, Zhejiang University is an advanced subject of Zhejiang University.Both sides have had in-depth contact and understanding in the early stage.It ishoped that both sides will grasp their respective advantages and find anoperational point of convergence in terms of personnel training, scientificresearch, and transformation of results, serving local development and servingthe discipline construction and talent cultivation of schools.

Lin Fei introduced the development ofFuzhou and the situation of the optoelectronic industry. In recent years,Fuzhou’s economy has developed rapidly. In 2018, the total GDP and growth rateof Fuzhou City jumped to the top ten in the provincial capital cities. On thebasis of bigger, stronger and better traditional industries, the creation of “DigitalFuzhou”, “Fuzhou at Sea” and “Fuzhou in Platform” are highlighted. Fuzhou’soptoelectronic industry has a certain foundation, and there are manyenterprises. The municipal party committee and municipal government decided tofocus on optoelectronics industry, build incubators and industrial parksthrough cooperation in production, learning, research and colleges, and promotetalent cultivation, scientific research, and transformation of results. Theyhope to use the innovation power of Zhejiang University to build a photovoltaicindustry at a high starting point and further improve the industrial chain.

On the same day, Lin Fei and his party helda discussion with the head of the College of Optical Science and Engineering, ZhejiangUniversity and the National Engineering Research Center of OpticalInstrumentation.

At the symposium, Liu Xiangdong, Dean of theCollege of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, introduced thecollege. from the historical evolution, overall positioning, research results,and social services. Liu Xiangdong showed the spirit of the college to theFuzhou delegation, which aroused the interest and collective attention of thedelegation. From the perspective of the layout of the photovoltaic industry inthe Bay Area, Liu Xiangdong put forward the positive intention of the collegeand Fuzhou to carry out further in-depth cooperation.

Lin Fei said that Fuzhou City and the Collegeof Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University have a history oftalent transfer and university-site cooperation, and the two sides haveinextricable blood links. Lin Fei pointed out that Fuzhou is very keen to carryout in-depth cooperation with the college. Fuzhou City will do a good job insupporting the related territories, and participate in the construction of theFuzhou Photoelectric Industrial Park, National Optical Instrument R&DCenter Fuzhou Branch, and the transformation of innovation projects. Fuzhouwill further explore cooperation space and promote the coordinated developmentof campuses while promoting the implementation of the preliminary strategic cooperationagreement.

The heads of relevantdepartments of Zhejiang University and Fuzhou, the College of Optical Scienceand Engineering, Zhejiang University, the National Engineering Research Centerof Optical Instrumentation and the relevant persons of Fuzhou City attended theabove activities.