Good News! Professor Liu Xu of Zhejiang University was awarded National Model Teacher


On the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and theapproaching of the 35th Teacher's Day, the website of the Ministry of Educationannounced the Decision of the Ministry of Human Resources and SocialSecurity and the Ministry of Education on the Recognition of the AdvancedCollective and Model Teachers of the National Education System and AdvancedWorkers of the National Education System (issued by the Ministry of HumanResources and Social Affairs [2019] 93).Liu Xu, Professor of the College ofOptical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, was awarded the title of"National Model Teacher".

The national advanced collectives and advanced individuals of theeducation system are selected and commended every five years by the Departmentof Social Security and the Ministry of Education. Personnel who have beenawarded the titles of "National Model Teacher" and "AdvancedWorker of National Education System" enjoy the treatment of provincial andministerial awards. A total of 718 national model teachers were commended.

Attachment: Personal Story of Professor Liu Xu

Liu Xu ( Oct. 1963 ~ ) is a specially appointed professor of"Yangtze River Scholar" of the Ministry of Education, a specialist inZhejiang Province, and a professor and doctoral supervisor of the College ofOptical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. He is currently theconvener of the Evaluation Group of Optical Engineering Discipline of theAcademic Degree Committee of the State Council, the Vice-Chairman of theTeaching Steering Committee of Electronic Information Specialty of the Ministryof Educationfrom 2018 to 2022, the Chairman of the Teaching SteeringSubcommittee of Photoelectric Information Science and Engineering Specialty,and the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instruments ofZhejiang University. Meanwhile, he is also a member of the National OpticalSociety, the American Optical Society (OSA) and the International Society ofOptical Engineering (SPIE).

He devoted himself to the education of the Party and took it as hismission to "disseminate knowledge, ideas and truth, shape soul, life andnew people". With practical actions, he composed a song of faith dedicatedto the cause of education, always loving the cause of education, always loyalto the cause of education and all devoted to the cause of education.