Mr. Jian Wang was appointed the Adjunct Professor by the Faculty of OE


Mr. Jian Wang was appointed the Adjunct Professor of the Department of Optical Engineering (OE) today, (Nov. 15) in the 2-Floor Report Room, Yongqian Students Activities Center, Yuquan Campus. After the appointment ceremony, Mr. Jian Wang delivered an academic lecture. Apart from Mr. Jianpan, Board Chairman of Gemcore Technology (Hangzhou), also attended at the ceremony were Prof. Limin Tong, Dean of the Department of OE; Mr. Wei’e Zhang, Party Secretary of the Department of OE; Prof. Jian Bai, Deputy Dean of the Department of OE and Prof. Xiaoping Wang, Deputy Dean of the Deparmtent of OE. The ceremony was hosted by Prof. Jian Bai.

Dr. Jian Wang was introduced by Mr. Wei’e Zhang in the beginning. Mr. Jian Wang received his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Optical Instrument in Zhejiang University, 1997. He continued his study in Stanford University, US, where he got another Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering. After finishing the studies in US, he returned to China and founded Gemcore Technology Ltd., where he occupied as the board chairman. He is now taking efforts in the research of Environments and Security Detection, and its industrializing. Dr. Jian Wang was appointed the Director of the Institution of Environment and Security Detection Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University. He won the ‘Nation Science & Technology Development-Second Award’ and was appointed the Leading Specialists of Zhejiang Province. He was also the laureate of ‘May.1 Labor Prize’.

Prof. Limin Tong announced the appointment and awarded the appointment letter and university badge for Dr. Jian Wang, and subsequently, expressed warmly greetings to Dr. Jian Wang.

Dr. Jian Wang briefly presented the development of Gemcore Technology Ltd. and its current research. Afterwards, he introduced a brand new enterprise growing-mode which related Optics with Material Science and Computing Science, Mechanics and Environment Science. To the end, Dr. Jian Wang discussed with students about the personal research choosing and future vistas.

                                                       The Deparment of Optical Engineering

                                                                                                                               2009. 12. 15