From July 7, 2019 to July 13, a team of more than 30 students of College ofOptical Science and Engineering, led by Professor Lin Yuanfang and ZhangManhua, went to Japan for a scientific research summer camp.In theseseven days,the team visited the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology(RCAST) of Tokyo University, the National Observatory of Japan, the Universityof Electrical Communication (UEC), Hamamatsu Photonics Corporation, ShizuokaUniversity, Hamamatsu Medical University, Hamamatsu Central Research Institute.Andcommunicatedseveralresearch fields such as photoelectric detection, high power laser,adaptive optics, optical computing, etc.
Research Center for Advanced Scienceand Technology, Tokyo University (RCAST)
RCAST was established in 1987 and has carried out multifaceted andcross-disciplinary research activities under the four principles ofmultidisciplinary, mobility, internationalization and openness.RCAST aims tomake contributions to the development of science and technology by flexiblyresponding to the progress of scientific and social changes and developing newfields of advanced science and technology for human and society.
In Tokyo University, Professor Takahashi of the other side took uson a visit. With the comprehensive explanation of Professor Takahashi and hisgraduate students, we learned about the research progress of RCAST in thefields of super-resolution, three-dimensional imaging, micro-diametermeasurement and micro-structure manufacturing, which greatly broadened ourvision and broadened our thinking.
In addition to understanding the direction of scientific research,we also experienced the student restaurant of Tokyo University and the studentlife of Tokyo University under the leadership of the other party.In addition tomeals, we also have exchanges with postgraduate students of Tokyo University.From the acquisition of Office of Tokyo University to learning and living, tothe local diet culture and living habits, both sides have adopted an inclusiveattitude to cross different cultural backgrounds and communicate freely inEnglish.
After experiencing various kinds of delicacies, our trip to TokyoUniversity ended. While experiencing the life of foreign graduate students, welearned more knowledge and formed friendship with each other.
National Astronomical Observatory ofJapan
The National Observatory is the core institution of Japaneseastronomy. It has top research institutes and provides large astronomicalfacilities for researchers all over Japan.
The Observatory is situated in a mountain forest. A set ofastronomical equipment on display is full of a sense of age. Students carefullyconsulted the introduction text and tried to operate some model equipment. Theylearned some new knowledge about modern astronomical photoelectric detectionequipment, traditional astronomical telescopes, equatorial instruments, theorigin and structure of the universe.
University of ElectricalCommunications (UEC)
UEC is the National University of Japanestablished in 1918. It has a history of more than 100 years and has a strongoptical strength.Although it is called "University of ElectricalCommunications", it is a comprehensive university of science andtechnology, which combines modern advanced technologies in optics, physics,chemistry and so on.
In UEC, we were warmly welcomed. Wevisited advanced technology research institutes such as high-power laserresearch laboratory, laser cooling research laboratory, optical computingresearch laboratory, comb research laboratory and so on.We were exposed to the progress of many different research fields.After thevisit, Mr. Lin Yuanfang and two student representatives were invited to meetwith the principal and vice-principal of UEC. Both sides expressed theirwillingness to cooperate and laid a foundation for future contacts and cooperation.
Hamamatsu Photonics Co., Ltd.
Hamamatsu Photonics was founded in 1953, mainly engaged in researchand product production and sales of photomultiplier tubes, imaging equipment,light sources, photoelectric semiconductors, etc. The branch company is locatedall over the world and has good achievements and influence in related fields.
We mainly visited the Electronic Tube Division and SemiconductorDivision of Hamamatsu Photonics.In the electronic tube business department,under the leadership of Mr. Suzuki, we learned about the products of HamamatsuPhotonics in weak light detection, optical fiber bundle glass, ultravioletstatic eliminating device and so on, and experienced a lot of product models.
In the Semiconductor Division, due to the limited time, we can onlyquickly visit the product showroom and learn about the products of HamamatsuPhotonics in photosensitive diodes, optical IC, image sensors, LED,micro-spectrometers and various applications of photoelectric semiconductormaterials. It is worth mentioning that the Si strip detector produced by HamamatsuPhotonics has been applied to theLarge Hadron Collider of CERN to detectparticle trajectories several microns in length.
Shizuoka University
Shizuoka University is a national comprehensive university. HamamatsuCampus is mainly the location of its Information Science Department andEngineering Department. The teachers in charge of reception warmly introducedto us the basic situation of Shizuoka University and some surroundingconditions.Then we followed the graduate students of Shizuoka University tovisit three laboratories: microscopy, micro-structure manufacturing andmicrobiology.
A Professor introduced to us the project of using microorganism topurify pollutants and generate electricity. He showed us the results ofmicrobial purification. At the same time, we also know that if microbial powergeneration technology can be commercialized successfully in the future, it willreduce the energy consumption of sewage treatment (microbial power generationcan utilize organic matter in sewage).
Hamamatsu University School ofMedicine
Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, founded in 1973, is a medicaleducation and research institution. It aims to train excellent clinicians andaggressive researchers, promote innovative research and development of new medicaltechnologies, and promote human health and welfare.
In Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Mr. Yang led us to carryout this exchange with Mr. Yamamoto, Vice President. We mainly visited theBiomedical Optics Laboratory, the Nano-coat Institute and the HardwareStereoscopic Endoscopy Laboratory. We learned about optical technology inmedical fields such as optical tomography, in vivo imaging andthree-dimensional imaging of biological tissue.
Hamamatsu Central Research Institute
Hamamatsu Central Research Institute is the Research Institute of HamamatsuCompany. Its owner has strong scientific research ability and provides strongtechnical support for HamamatsuPhotonics.
AtHamamatsu Central Research Institute, their researchers introducedto us the technology of adding reference light to liquid crystal siliconspatial light modulator and feedback optical system to reduce interferencefringe disturbance, positron emission computed tomography (PET) technology forcancer detection, phase microscopy technology, photons emitted by algaerespiration in water detected by delayed fluorescence excitation device.Thetechnology of algae activity detection, the iPMSEL semiconductor laser, THzlaser and organic optoelectronic materials of HamamatsuPhotonics are discussed.
In fact, our institute has a deep relationship with HamamatsuPhotonics.Since 1997, there have been nearly 30 students in Zhejiang University who havedeveloped inHamamatsuPhotonics. One of the company researchers who introducedresearch projects to us during the visit to the laboratory has a 06-gradegraduate. Our Institute has also cooperated with HamamatsuChina.
During this summer camp in Japan, we visited seven researchinstitutes, got in touch with the main research directions and the latestresearch results of Japanese research institutes, experienced the scientificresearch atmosphere of Japan in practice, and deeply felt our shortcomings inthe comparison.Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all theunits and individuals who have provided support and assistance for this summercamp activity.Special thanks to Mr. Yang of HamamatsuPhotonics for his greathelp for this event!