During the summer of 2019, 16 undergraduate students ofEngineering Physics from KTH Royal Institute of Technology got the opportunityto conduct physics projects at Zhejiang University, boost mutual exchanges andfriendships with Chinese students, and improve their understanding about Chinaand its culture.
This is the fourth year that College ofOptical Science and Engineering organized the program which was based on theJoint Research Centre of Photonics (a collective force of the world-classresearch teams on photonics from Zhejiang University, University of Rochesterand KTH). During the three-week program, students were divided into 8 groups bytheir research projects which in some way concerned a wide range ofphotonics-related subjects, like imaging technique, micro-angiography, andfluorescence of optical fiber temperature sensors. Supervised by a ZJUprofessor and helped by several professor’s Ph.D. students, each student madefull use of computer simulation in either MATLAB, COMSOL Multiphysics or FDTDSolutions to explore the results of the work.
In the final week, each project was examinedthrough a paper written in the style of a scientific report, covering the mostrelevant theoretical background as well as the results of the project. Apartfrom the paper, all groups gathered on the final day to hold presentationsabout their specific work, and one of them got the best group award. To top itall off, a farewell dinner was held on the same night.
Asidefrom an exciting football match between the students from KTH and ZJU, they hada memorable tour around the picturesque city of Hangzhou at the weekend.Intoxicated with the West Lake, Lingyin Temple and other historical sites, theyspent a good time experiencing the unique charm and beauty of the city.