19th "Fresh Moment" academic salon――Youth Instructor Sharing Session


At18:30 on the evening of June 27, 2018, the 19th "Fresh Moment" academicsalon, Youth Instructor Sharing Session, of College of Optical Science and Engineeringhas been successfully held in Room 440, Teaching Building3 of Yuquan Campus. The “Fresh Moment” academic salon aims at providing aplatform for students from different institutes to share and exchange ideaswith peers and outstanding young instructors. Yaoguang Ma, member of ZhejiangUniversity Hundred Talent Program, was specially invited to attend this salon. Duringthe session, he brought wonderful sharing about cutting edge technology as wellas his research experience, and had a close conversation with students on thescene.

Thetopic of Yaoguang Ma’s sharing is “How to Keep Cool without Coasting theEarth”. At first, Ma introduced his own research direction, including theinteraction of mesoscopic scale light and matter, the application of micro-nanotechnology in photonics, electronics and energy transport systems. Then he interpretedthe main achievement of his research group: the principle, application, designand preparation of composite metamaterial film. He alsodid a detailed introduction of its research background, specific researchcontent, main work and innovation points. Through the in-depth explanation, studentsgained some knowledge of the composite metamaterial film as well as itsapplication in cooling.


AfterMa’s sharing, some of the students put forward their questions. Ma discussedwith students and solved their confusion patiently. The salon ended in a lightand amicable atmosphere. Through this salon, students have acquired a conceptof basic research process and gotten a deeper understanding of their future studyand research.