Zhejiang University ‘Optical Engineering Festival’ Opening Ceremony - Prof. Sailing He, ‘One-Thousand Project’ Talent of China, met students yesterday


The 2nd ‘Optical Engineering Festival’ of Zhejiang University opened yesterday evening 6:30pm at Report Room 139, International Conference Center, Zijingang Campus. In the opening ceremony, Prof. Sailing He, one of the first-year ‘One-Thousand Project’ talents, delivered an excellent speech-‘Let There Be Light in Your Future Career’.  
The ‘Optical Engineering Festival’, which opens every year during April to June, is one special campus activity of technology and culture that held by the Department of Optical Engineering, and co-held by the Department of Students Affairs of Zhejiang University, the Department of Graduates Affairs of Zhejiang University, the Comsomol Committee of Zhejiang University and the Teaching Affairs Department of Zhejiang University in purpose of popularizing optics knowledge and enriching campus activities. The festival is held in background that Optical Engineering Techniques is playing an increasingly crucial role in Hi-Tech, Nation Defense and National Economy. 
Apart from Prof. Sailing He, also attended at the opening were Mr Feijun Song, research fellow of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vice Chair and General Engineer of Daheng Optics Corporation; Mr. Xiangdong Liu, Provost of Zhejiang University; Mrs. Peng Yan, Vice Minister of Student Affairs Department; Mr. Jian Pan, Vice Secretary of College Comsomol; Mr. Wei’e Zhang, Party Secretary of the Department of OE and Mrs. Yuling Liu, Party Secretary of the Student General Branch as well as some representatives of the close-related colleges. The ceremony was hosted by Yuemeng Liang, the President Assistant of the Student Union of OE.
Mrs. Peng Yan gave the opening speech. She said, although she was not familiar with the engineering techniques, she had a love knot with Optical Engineering early in her life, and from that time on, she had been respecting people involved in OE research. She believed the success of ‘Optical Engineering Festival’ was not only a feast of Technology & Culture Activity Series, but also, will became a famous activity in Zhejiang University. She, on behalf of the Department of Student Affairs, wished a great success of the ‘Optical Engineering Festival’.
Mr. Wei’e Zhang said, youth students should have responsibilities of the country and make contribution to the whole nation. He also encouraged students interested in scientific research to join the family of the Department of OE. Ding Zhao, the president of OE students’ union presented brief introduction to the activities arrangement during the festival. Afterwards, Mr. Jian Pan declared the opening of ‘Optical Engineering Festival’.
After the opening ceremony of the ‘Optical Engineering Festival’, an excellent speech-‘let there be light in your future career’ was delivered by Prof. Sailing He. He talked about the global economic market of optics related industry, which was growing remarkably by 10% each year and was becoming increasingly critical in world economy. Also covered were the optics research fields, including Optical Information, Optical Communication, Optical Storage, Optical Display and Bio-Optics. He advised the undergraduates to look forward to higher degree educations, likely Master Degrees or Doctor Degrees. He also encouraged students with poor grades to be self-confident and find interest and impetus in study. The question confused many undergraduates-‘why students of OE seem more likely to study abroad?’ was discussed. ‘ At first, many abroad positions are set on basis of the sustainable, new developed research hot points, and there are a lot of exciting research points in Optics-related fields,’ He said, ‘ what’s more, we Chinese researchers are doing well in Optics. China has developed Optics early, to speak the Institutions within the CAS (China Academy of Science) system, we have several academic organization like Institution of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics in Changchun, Shanghai, Xi’an and Beijing. Furthermore, the reputation and globe visibility of the specific subject and professors are also the main factors.’
At the end of the report, Prof. He talked about his requirements for scientific researchers, ‘to be heart-peaceful, to be confident and to be ambitious’. He also encouraged students to enjoy the study and research, and to fight for their own futures. The speech was successfully finished in full-house applauses.
The ‘Optical Engineering Festival’ is going the last for the next one month, warmly welcome to all of you!