Time: 10:00am 19th Jan, 2010(Tuesday)
Location: Conference Room 440, the 3rd Academic Building, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University
Both graduates and undergraduates of the Department of Information are welcome. Senior students interested in furthering study in UC Davis should date Prof. S.J. Ben Yoo in advance.
Optics in the Future Internet
Professor S. J. Ben Yoo
University of California, Davis
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: sbyoo@ucdavis.edu
home page: http://sierra.ece.ucdavis.edu
home page: http://sierra.ece.ucdavis.edu
This talk will review prospects for the Future Internet enabled by integrated photonic system technologies. The talk will be in three parts. We will first discuss the role of optics in the Internet architecture. The new BGP with crosslayer monitoring and management based on parallel optical wavelengths enables a new Internet architecture that supports higher throughput and improved stability. In the second part of the talk, we will introduce networking and computing systems with new photonic technologies. We will discuss high-throughput and low-latency optical-label switching routers at the core, optical-CDMA at the edge, interfacing with wireless/wireline legacy networks. We will also introduce future computing systems with nanophotonic interconnects to support ‘balanced computing’ emphasized by Amdahl’s Law which predicts optimum system performance when processing, memory, and communication are balanced. During the final part of the talk, we will discuss the details of nanophotonic and nanoelectronic technologies that enable the future computing and networking systems. CMOS-compatible silicon photonics offer a practical platform for routing and transporting multi-wavelength optical signals interconnecting electronic processors and memories. Potentially, such a system can grow to a ~1000 core system optically interconnected by 100~1000 wavelengths where a flat-hierarchy computing architecture becomes possible. We will give a number of device and system examples, and conclude by projecting the future cyberinfrastructure filled with integrated chip-scale photonic networking and computing systems.

** Prof. Yoo will be available for meeting with students. Please send emails to: sbyoo@ucdavis.edu